Sunday, June 29, 2008

Is this true??

** When your subordinate display family photo on the table**
If your subordinate is a ‘He’, you feel “wow!! He taking care of his family, a responsible man”
If your subordinate is a ‘She’, you feel “career is not important for her; do not expect she will do her best to contribute in works!”
看到男下屬的桌上擺放著全家福的照片, 老板心想:「嗯!他一定是個顧家,負責的好男人。」
看到女下屬的桌上擺放著全家福的照片 ,老板心想:「事業對她來說不會是最重要的,看來不用寄望她會全心全意為公打拼了

**When your subordinate table is very messy or untidy**
If your subordinate is a ‘He’, you feel “he is so hardworking, till do not have extra time to tidy up the table”
If your subordinate is a ‘She’, you feel “she is so untidy, sure not organized!”
看到女下屬雜亂的桌面, 老板心想:「原來她這麼亂,組織能力一定不行!」

**When your subordinate is talking with other colleagues**
If your subordinate is a ‘He’, you feel “he must be discussing about the new project, so aggressive”
If your subordinate is a ‘She’, you feel “gossiping again!!! Gifted paparazzi!!”
看到男下屬在跟同事說話,老板心想:「他一定是在討論最近的project, 真是積極。」

**When your subordinate is working overtime**
If your subordinate is a ‘He’, you feel “it’s very difficult to hire such hardworking employee anymore”
If your subordinate is a ‘She’, you feel “ladies has limited capabilities, need to spend so much time on such little things”
看到男下屬加班, 老板心想:「現在已經很難請到這麼勤勞的員工了。」
看到女下屬加班, 老板心想:「女人就是能力有限,一點小事也要花這麼長的時間來做!」

**When your subordinate got promoted**
If your subordinate is a ‘He’, you feel “he must have great potential”
If your subordinate is a ‘She’, you feel “she must be having affairs with the boss”
看到男下屬很快地受到經理的賞識而升職, 老板心想:「這個人一定潛力十足。」
看到女下屬很快地受到經理的賞識而升職, 老板心想:「這個人一定是跟經理有一腿!」

**When your subordinate applies leave**
If your subordinate is a ‘He’, you feel “he hasn’t apply leave for a long time, should go for relax”
If your subordinate is a ‘She’, you feel “seems like she always apply leave, is she going for job interview”
看到男下屬請假, 老板心想:「好像很久沒看他請假,也應該去輕鬆一下了。」
看到女下屬請假, 老板心想:「好像整天看她請假,是不是去應徵別的工作?」

**When your subordinate is distributing wedding dinner invitation card**
If your subordinate is a ‘He’, you feel “he will have greater sense of responsibility after the marriage, should give him big wedding gift (ang pow)!!!”
If your subordinate is a ‘She’, you feel “she will pregnant soon, after that will have maternity leave, then will resign and taking care of children at home… great losses, thus, no need to give her big wedding gift (ang pow)”
看到男下屬發喜帖, 老板心想:「他從此就會更有責任感,給他個大紅包鼓勵一下吧!」
看到女下屬發喜帖, 老板心想:「她不久就會懷孕,就會經? `去檢查身體,很快就要請產假 ,然後就會辭職在家帶孩子。嘩!損失慘重,那紅包N不用包太大包了

“Sex discrimination!!!” ????

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